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In addition to its core research areas, our group actively explores a wide range of emerging topics within the energy sector. A selection of related publications can be found below.
Related Publications
- Shin, L., Brandt, A., Iancu, D., Mach, K., Field, C., Cho, M.-J., Ng, M., Chey, K., Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2024). Climate impacts of digital use supply chains. Environmental Research: Climate, 3(1), 015009. https://doi.org/10.1088/2752-5295/ad22eb
- Shi, L., Mach, K., Suh, S., & Brandt, A. (2022). Functionality-based life cycle assessment framework: An information and communication technologies (ICT) product case study. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26(3), 782-800. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13240 Find it @ Stanford
- Brandt, A., Teichgraeber, H., Kang, C., Barnhart, C., Carbajales-Dale, M., & Sgouridis, S. (2021). Blow wind blow: Capital deployment in variable energy systems. Energy, 224, 120198.
- Sleep, S., Dadashi, Z., Chen, Y., Brandt, A., MacLean, H., & Bergerson, J. (2021). Improving robustness of LCA results through stakeholder engagement: A case study of emerging oil sands technologies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 281, 125277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125277
- Horner, R., Harto, C., Jackson, R., Lowry, E., Yeskoo, T., Murphy, D., & Clark, C. (2016). Water Use and Management in the Bakken Shale Oil Play in North Dakota. Energy & Environmental Science, 50(6), 3275–3282. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b04079
- McNally, M., & Brandt, A. (2015). The productivity and potential future recovery of the Bakken formation of North Dakota. Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources, 11, 11-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.juogr.2015.04.002
- Carbajales-Dale, M., Barnhart, C., Brandt, A., & Benson, S. (2014). A better currency for investing in a sustainable future. Nature Climate Change, 4, pages524–527. https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate2285
- Brandt, A. (2011). Oil Depletion and the Energy Efficiency of Oil Production: The Case of California. Sustainability, 3(10), 1833-1854. https://doi.org/10.3390/su3101833
- Nemet, G., & Brandt, A. (2011). Willingness to Pay for a Climate Backstop: Liquid Fuel Producers and Direct CO₂ Air Capture. Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs Working Paper Series No. 2011-015. https://doi.org/Nemet, Gregory F. and Brandt, Adam, Willingness to Pay for a Climate Backstop: Liquid Fuel Producers and Direct CO₂ Air Capture (August 1, 2011). Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs Working Paper Series No. 2011-015, Available at SSRN: https://
- Sorrell, S., Speirs, J., Bentley, R., Brandt, A., & Miller, R. (2010). Global oil depletion: A review of the evidence. Energy Policy, 38(9), 5290-5295. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2010.04.046
- Brandt, A. (2010). Review of mathematical models of future oil supply: Historical overview and synthesizing critique. Energy, 35(9), 3958-3974. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2010.04.045
- Brandt, A. (2007). Testing Hubbert. Energy Policy, 35(5), 3074-3088. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2006.11.004