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Our group has developed several software tools for both emission quantification and energy system analysis. 


BRIDGES is a macro-energy system model for capacity expansion planning that is capable of determining optimal transition pathways to a net-zero emission energy system. BRIDGES model both electricity and natural gas systems. While the framework can be adapted to any geographical region, BRIDGES is currently used to model the energy transition of the state of California. BRIDGES is under active development. 

Links: More information on BRIDGES can be found here. An early version of the code base can be found here. We are working on making the current model and documentation available online.


The Oil Production Greenhouse gas Emissions Estimator (OPGEE) is an engineering-based life cycle assessment (LCA) tool for the measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the production, processing, and transport of crude petroleum. The system boundary of OPGEE extends from initial exploration to the refinery entrance gate.

Links: More information on OPGEE as well as the code base can be found here.


solar forecast animated image

The Stanford University Neural Network for Solar Electricity Trends (SUNSET) is a specialized convolutional neural network to predict 15-min ahead minutely-averaged PV output. The model is characterized by its usage of hybrid input, temporal history and strong regularization.

Links: More info on SUNSET can be found here. The code base can be found here.


The open-source, python-based Fugitive Emissions Abatement Simulation Testbed (FEAST) allows users to estimate the costs and benefits of various methane leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs.  FEAST simulates a virtual gas field, in which leaks are created over time using a random process supported by empirical leak datasets. The model then simulates the application of various LDAR technologies against this virtual gas field.

Links: More information on FEAST as well as the code base can be found here.


Greenhouse gas impacts from drilling and hydraulic fracturing

GHGfrack is an open-source engineering-based model to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from drilling and hydraulic fracturing operations. The model implements drilling engineering methods to estimate the energy used in circulating drilling fluids, rotating the drill string, and pumping hydraulic fracturing fluids.

Links: More information on GHGfrack as well as the code base can be found here.