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Journal Article

Assessing the Potential of Mineral Carbonation with Industrial Alkalinity Sources in the U.S


The availability of industrial alkalinity sources is investigated to determine their potential for the mineral carbonation of CO2 from point-source emissions in the United States. The available aggregate markets are investigated as potential sinks for the mineralized CO2 products. Additionally, a life-cycle assessment of aqueous mineral carbonation suggests that a variety of alkalinity sources and process configurations are capable of net CO2 reductions. The CO2 storage potential of mineral carbonation was estimated using the life-cycle assessment results and alkalinity source availability.


Part of a special issue: GHGT-11 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 18-22 November 2012, Kyoto, Japan

Abby Kirchofer
Adam Brandt
Sam Krevor
Valentina Prigiobbe
Austin Becker
Jennifer Wilcox
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Publication Date